Borderline Personality News

March 29, 2007

Note: One or more of the following articles may require a subscription to view the entire article.  We cannot post articles that require a subscription.  We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Study Focuses on Postpartum Mental Illnesses
CHICAGO _ Within the first three months after giving birth to their first baby, one out of 1,000 women suffers from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression or some other psychotic condition severe enough for them to be hospitalized, a major Danish study has found.

Judge to decide whether sex offender should be committed or be with family
Naples Daily News
It was a one and a half day battle of medical experts who disputed whether a 40-year-old sexual offender should be committed to a state institution for treatment or released to his family.

Doctor's Office Nurses Help People Manage Depression, But Who Pays?
Nurse care managers nearly double the likelihood of significant improvement among depressed patients, according to strong evidence in a new review of studies.

Teen sex after booze up
Herald Sun
A LONELY woman seeking admiration has admitted having sex with a 15-year-old boy while drunk.

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