Before you get started on your journey to help your loved one with borderline personality disorder, I ask you point blank…

"Do You Know the 10 Secrets to Helping and Supporting a Loved One with Borderline Personality Disorder in 2009?"

Don't even think about trying to help a loved one with borderline personality disorder without learning this information first.

Dear Friend,

If you have a loved one with borderline personality disorder, then this is going to be the most important letter that you have ever read.

Hi, my name is David Oliver. In a few minutes I am about to tell you how I discovered the 10 secrets to helping and supporting a loved one with borderline personality disorder. 10 key secrets that NOBODY else will tell you.

I learned them the hard way. You won't have to.

But let's talk about supporters of loved ones with borderline personality disorder for a moment.

Borderline personality disorder supporters have one thing in common: you’ll do anything to help your loved one conquer borderline personality disorder.

But supporters differ in one key way.

Some supporters – and these people are definitely in the minority – become what I call “super supporters.” They’ve helped their loved one manage the symptoms of borderline personality disorder. They can read their loved one like a book and know how to quickly nip these symptoms in the bud. When a symptom does occur, they’re able to help their loved one get back to “normal” quickly.

And most important of all … they’re able to separate themselves from the borderline personality disorder. They know when to step up and help their loved ones. When to make their loved ones help themselves. And they know how to take care of themselves first so they have the energy, patience and stamina to continue battling this disorder day after day.

If you, too, want to empower your loved one to take as much responsibility for themselves as reasonably possible … so you can still have a life of your own, then you MUST read this incredible letter!

Because I’m going to tell you about a new resource for borderline personality disorder supporters who want to maximize the support they give their loved ones … without enabling them.

…A new resource for borderline personality disorder supporters who want to stop walking on eggshells around their loved one.

…A new resource for borderline personality disorder supporters who want to have a strong, healthy, loving relationship with their loved one.


Before We Get Started...

Before we get started, I want you to know how I learned these secrets and my long but amazing journey from knowing nothing about borderline personality disorder to becoming one of the nation's leading experts on the subject.

But first…

I am NOT a psychiatrist, therapist or connected with any drug company.

IF you are looking for information from or written by one of these sources, please STOP reading this. I don’t want to mislead you.

But if you are looking for information and answers written by someone who has been there, so to speak, and has practical knowledge that “regular” people can understand and will not talk down to you, then please keep reading. Borderline personality disorder can be a nightmare.

I know, because I am a supporter of a loved one with borderline personality disorder.

How I Became a Supporter of a Loved One with
Borderline Personality Disorder

My story started several years ago.

My mom was first diagnosed with bipolar disorder many years ago, and I knew nothing about it, so I researched it in the library and anywhere else I could find information, which was scarce at that time.

That's what led to my starting my bipolar website, special reports, and courses – if it was that difficult for me to find information on bipolar disorder, I figured it was that hard for others with the disorder to find information as well.

Then it was suggested that my mom also had borderline personality disorder. So I did the same thing, only it was even harder to find any information on the disorder. What information I did find, seemed to be written in "doctor-speak," and was difficult for me to understand. Other information was simply telling a long story about what it was like to live with someone with borderline personality disorder. I ALREADY KNEW THAT!

"FREE Borderline Personality Disorder Breaking News"

Sign up today for my FREE Newsletter for Borderline Personality Disorder supporters. Here is what you'll get:

  • The signs and symptoms of Borderline Personality
  • Tips and tricks of surviving Borderline Personality Disorder
  • How to cope and deal with a loved one with Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Breaking news on Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Advanced tips, tricks and secrets of dealing with and supporting someone with Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Reminders on things you need to do if you are supporting people who have Borderline Personality Disorder
  • New changes in laws that can affect individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Updates on the latest medication research
  • Free Resources available to Borderline Personality Disorder supporters

And much, MUCH more!

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"I Hate You and I Wish You Were Dead!"

I read about the signs and symptoms of borderline personality disorder, and remembered back to experiences I had had with my mom. It was amazing to me that she had so many of them! Symptoms that I had equated with bipolar disorder were actually symptoms of borderline personality disorder.

For example, one minute she was acting like she loved me, and the next minute she was screaming, "I hate you, David!" There were times when my mom would get super mad at me. For no reason.

I remember this one time when I was around 10 years old. My brother and mom use to get in HUGE fights. The strange thing was, my brother never started them. One day, my mom attacked my brother. Now at the time my brother was around 6'3" tall, and weighed about 240-250 pounds. My mom is only around 5'6" tall and weighs around 140 pounds.

My mom backed my brother into the corner upstairs next to a bookcase. My brother had his arms up trying stop my mom from hitting him. He did NOT hit her back. Then my mom scratched his face and my brother started to bleed.

My brother went absolutely nuts. He was big so he went down in his room and start smashing things. He was throwing records (at the time there were records not CDs) against the wall. He started punching the wall.

I remember as a kid being afraid because there was so much noise and I wasn't sure what my brother was going to do. As a kid my brother was really explosive. He however never did anything to my mom. He would take it out on other people. Anyway, my mom was demanding that he come out and stop. She then called the police on him. I remember the police came really fast. It's odd but I can remember this like it was yesterday.

The police came to the door and my mom changed. She was like a different person. VERY calm. She explained how my brother pushed her and that he was out of control and smashing things. The police ordered my brother out of the room. He kept saying he didn't do anything. I will never forget as a kid thinking, "Why did mom lie to the police? He didn't do anything. She did it to him."

As a kid, I never knew my mom had anything because I thought that all moms were like her. I never knew what "normal" was.

I remember hearing many times my mom saying terrible things to my dad, but the worst was when she yelled at him, saying, "I hate you and I wish you were dead!"

This was definitely NOT bipolar disorder. This "love-hate" phenomenon is a symptom of borderline personality disorder. At first I thought she had been misdiagnosed, but then I remember that a therapist strongly suggested she had borderline personality disorder, too. So it is possible to have both disorders.

Thus I became a supporter of a loved one with borderline personality disorder.

I Found Someone Else with Borderline Personality Disorder Besides my Mom!

I continued my research on borderline personality disorder and expanded my website to include information on borderline personality disorder, too, but in a way that was easy-to-understand and reader-friendly. Now supporters of loved ones with borderline personality disorder finally had someplace to go to get information and material to help them.

One of the people who helps me make sure the information in my course and materials is accurate is a woman who writes for me who also has both bipolar disorder and borderline personality disorder. She is a real success story and inspiration for others with borderline personality disorder.

This woman struggled many years with borderline personality disorder and with no information out there to help her. She spent many years in therapy, and also developed many techniques on her own, learning how to manage the disorder. She and her supporter have been a tremendous help to me in bringing you these 10 Secrets to Helping and Supporting a Loved One with Borderline Personality Disorder.


Just let me ask you this. Do any of the following questions apply to you and your loved one?

  • Does your loved one seem to love you one minute and hate you the next, or seem like sometimes they want you close and other times push you away?
  • Do you feel as if you can never win a fight with your loved one (even if you're right)?
  • Is your loved one a very moody or emotional person -- happy one minute, sad the next? Calm one minute, upset the next?
  • Does your loved one complain that "life isn't fair"?
  • Is your loved one sometimes paranoid, thinking that other people are out to get them?
  • Does your loved one have a problem with anger or rage, maybe even abuse?
  • Do you feel as if no matter how much you love your loved one, it's not enough?
  • Does your loved one see everything as right or wrong, black or white, with no in-between, no gray areas, no compromise?

If you recognized your loved one in the questions I asked you above…

Then you need to know the following 8 characteristics of borderline personality disorder:

Fear of Abandonment
Does your loved one have a fear of abandonment? Do they cling to you? Tend to be possessive? My mom was that way. She was so afraid that I was going to leave her. One time she screamed, "You're going to put me in the hospital, aren't you? You're going to put me in the hospital and forget all about me, I know you are!"

It was very frightening, and hurt me so much to see my mom that way. I'm sure as a supporter of a loved one with borderline personality disorder, this is a hard thing for you to deal with as well.

Unstable Interpersonal Relationships
Does your loved one act like they love you one minute and hate you the next? Do they pull you towards them at one time and push you away at another time? That's called the "love/hate relationship," or the "push/pull relationship," typical of borderline personality disorder, and the unstable interpersonal relationships characteristic of the disorder. My mom did that for many years, having 20 "best friends" in 20 years!

Identity Disturbance
Adolescence is the time that most teenagers seek to "find themselves." By the time that they become adults, they have some sense of who they are – they know their identity. With people who have borderline personality disorder, they have trouble with this.

So if your loved one seems to "change identities" like they change clothes – one minute they seem one way and the next minute they seem like a totally different person, it's because of the borderline personality disorder. I noticed this symptom in my mom as well.

Destructive Impulsivity
Rage is the word that comes to mind when I think of this symptom of borderline personality disorder. Stay out of the way when your loved one is in this mood. Chairs might fly, things get broken… or they may take it out on themselves. I saw this in a mild form in my mom, although at the time I thought it was a symptom of her bipolar disorder. She had spent so much money that she had tons and tons of credit card bills.

The destructive part of the impulsivity came when she stopped paying the bills for so many months and didn't answer the creditor's calls, that she almost came to completely destructive financial ruin.

Mood Instability
Although people with bipolar disorder have mood swings, this is different. Bipolar mood swings might happen over the course of months or, at worst, days; however, mood instability in someone with borderline personality disorder can happen several times in the same day. We used to call these people "moody," but this is much worse.

The moods of a person with borderline personality disorder can change as quickly and unexpectedly as the weather. They may be happy one minute and sad the next. They may be quiet one minute and raging the next. These are the people who may be loving, then become abusive.

At first I thought this characteristic in my mom was the mood swings of bipolar disorder, but then realized it happened too often. When I researched borderline personality disorder, I realized that was what it was.

The type of emptiness a person with borderline personality disorder feels is very, very difficult even for your love to fill. Do you feel that no matter what you do or say, that nothing seems to help your loved one with this feeling? This is a deep emptiness stemming from childhood. Many people with borderline personality disorder try to fill this emptiness with material things or prestigious careers. My mom just spent a lot of time depressed, feel unloved and unlovable.

This type of anger is not just anger directed at you, or even at others (although it manifests itself that way quite often). It's also what people with borderline personality disorder feel is "justified anger" – an anger directed at society in general at the "injustice" they suffer. They might blame you or others for what happens to them.

They might feel that things are unfair. They may never feel as if anything is their fault. For any/all these reasons, they may be angry much of the time. My mom, too, was angry a lot of the time.

As a kid my mom directed tremendous anger towards my brother. Then my brother would rebel. My mom would tell me dad and my dad never ever got it. He would always blame my brother. My brother eventually was thrown out of the house at the age of 18. Then my dad was the next person to get the anger. I would get it as well but not as much as my dad.

My dad's plan was simply to not do anything. That however never worked.

Reality Distortions
Many people with borderline personality disorder have a problem with distortions of reality. This may be as mild as believing things that other people don't believe, yet not be delusional about them. Or it may be as severe as becoming paranoid, thinking other people are out to get them.

For example, they may think that at work they deserve a promotion for the great job they do, then are surprised when they get fired. My mom thought that many times people who were around her were out to get her. That's one of the biggest ways I knew that she suffered from borderline personality disorder instead of just bipolar disorder.

Shocking Truth About Borderline Personality Disorder

Here's the situation. My mom's OLD therapist thought she had borderline personality disorder. Her doctor said my mom doesn't need any more labels. I am not sure if my mom's current doctor really recognizes Borderline Personality Disorder. I agree with her about the labels and treating the symptoms.

  • Some doctors don't believe in more labels.
  • Some doctors don't believe in the disorder at all.
  • Others don't know much about it.
  • Some doctors think borderline personality disorder is just a type of bipolar disorder.

There's a whole lot of confusion. I firmly believe this is a "real" disorder.

One Of The Most Difficult Things About Treating
Borderline Personality Disorder

Many therapists won't even treat patients with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder for three reasons:

  1. Denial
    People with borderline personality disorder have "systems" or ways of acting that have worked for them for a long time – so much so that they are in denial that they even have the disorder. So when a therapist tries to work with them, they are rebellious and won't work with the therapist.
  2. Mask Symptoms
    These "systems" that people with longstanding borderline personality disorder have that have worked for them are ways they have learned to mask the symptoms of their disorder. So that when the therapist tries to work with them, they just continue to mask the symptoms of their borderline personality disorder, and the therapist just ends up getting frustrated and doesn't want to work with them anymore.
  3. Manipulation
    People with borderline personality disorder are some of the greatest manipulators in the world, according to some therapists and, therefore, many therapists won't even take them on as clients. The more the therapist tries to work with them, the more the person with the disorder tries to manipulate the therapist. The therapist recognizes this, and will no longer work with the person.

Other therapists are routinely fooled.

Here's what someone with borderline personality disorder told me:

"I saw a therapist for quite a while before she actually fired me as a client. She said I was an uncooperative client, that I obviously didn't want to be in therapy, and I had not done anything to help in my own therapeutic growth. At first I didn't take her seriously. Then I asked her to explain. She told me that I was one of the most manipulative women she had ever met. She told me I was in complete denial of my borderline personality disorder. And she told me if I did not stop masking my symptoms, I would never get any better. Then she told me she could not deal with me any more and fired me as a client."

Announcing "The 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping a Loved One with BPD"

I put together an easy to read guide that's written for NON doctors and NON therapists. Something regular people can understand and follow.

I have been working on it for a long time.

Here’s Just A SAMPLE Of What You’ll Discover

These are secrets from the techniques I developed from being a supporter to a loved one with borderline personality disorder myself. Things I learned the hard way. Now you can benefit from my experience without having to learn them the hard way yourself!

I guarantee that if you apply these 10 Secrets, you will be better equipped to deal with the 8 characteristics of borderline personality disorder in your loved one.

Here are just some of the things you will learn:

  • The shocking truth about the BPD diagnosis. Why some good doctors don't even believe it’s real. Discover what to do in this case.
  • The different kinds of therapy and which ones are said to be the best.
  • Why the "best therapies" were not used by most of the people I have found that are successful.
  • What I have discovered after YEARS of research and personal experience as the best kind of therapy for someone with BPD. This information alone will SAVE you at least 10 years of time and $5,000 in costs.
  • The longest you should tolerate intolerable behavior and what you can do about it
  • The normal reaction that supporters may have to their loved ones’ behavior … and why this response can actually prevent you from helping your loved one when they need it most
  • The thing that all super-successful bipolar survivors seem to have in common
  • What your loved one will be tempted not to tell you that they are "cutting", "self mutilating" or contemplating suicide … and what to do today to ensure you get the information you need to help them
  • Criteria that your loved one needs to meet to be able to hold down a full-time job and when a loved one should NOT work at all.
  • The biggest breakdown to avoid ... because it dramatically increases the chances that your loved one will get severely ill before you can help them
  • The expert resource most people don’t think about … and how having this person on your team can help you spot and avoid major problems before they occur
  • How to enable your loved one to control borderline personality disorder … not the other way around (this technique will change your life!)
  • How being successful in dealing with borderline personality disorder can work against you (this one will surprise you)
  • WARNING! Want to protect your loved one if you have to call 911, the police or emergency services in a crisis? This tip could save their life
  • The person you must trust above all else when you think something is wrong … even when many of the professionals reassure you that everything is fine
  • The hope that nearly every supporter has when an episode of rage is coming … and how it can impair your effectiveness as a supporter
  • The belief that many people with borderline personality disorder have about hospitals … and what both you and your loved one need to know to be comfortable with hospitalization
  • How to benefit from your loved one’s periods of anger, violence, cutting, or other dramatic "events" … so these events actually become a way to help your loved one
  • The surprising way to reduce the stress of supporting someone with BPD … and how this tool can help your loved one remain focused
  • The type of irrational thinking to address immediately if you want to substantially reduce the pressure that your spouse’s borderline personality disorder puts on your relationship
  • The surprising thing to bring someone with borderline personality disorder out of an "episode" without medical intervention
  • The main thing you have to learn if you want to become an expert at supporting someone with BPD
  • The “negative” behavior you probably need to adopt to get your loved one much-needed help
  • Why you can’t depend on a therapist or doctor to teach you how to effectively cope with your loved one’s BPD … and how to learn the things you must learn as quickly as possible
  • Surprisingly good sounding pieces of advice you’ll receive that you should ignore at all costs (following it will increase your stress and frustration – I guarantee it)
  • Why blindly following doctor’s orders can be a mistake … and what you should be doing as a supporter to ensure the best medical care for your loved one
  • The simple legal technique that will protect your home from the effects of your loved one’s spending sprees during episodes or periods of destructive impulsivity
  • Why getting treatment for your loved one is only half the battle … and what your family must be prepared to do if you want to help your loved one maximize their success in coping with BPD
  • Why you might need to threaten your loved one’s doctor and therapist … and what to say to ensure they get the help they need
  • What "splitting" is and how you can deal with it
  • Have a loved one with Borderline Personality Disorder and other disorders? Why you must stress this disorder the most with a new doctor or therapist or else.
  • The common misconception that may place you in danger (this is probably the single most important – and hardest – thing to accept if you’re supporting someone with BPD)
  • The right and wrong things to say when your loved one is in an episode of rage
  • Key signs that your loved one is getting poor medical treatment … and what to look for instead

Seem like a lot? It is … and we’re just getting started!

  • The single most important thing your loved one needs to do to regain control over BPD … and the type of support they need to be successful
  • SHOCKER! What you need to know about why you should avoid certain doctors and therapists if your loved one has Borderline Personality Disorder. When you see this, you're going to be absolutely blow away. It's totally not fair but it's the way it is. Avoid these doctors at all costs
  • The most important rule to follow as a supporter
  • Ways to help ease your loved one’s bouts of paranoia … without resorting to more medication
  • The costliest mistake that you can make as a supporter … and how to be vigilant
  • The controversial thing you might want to do to become a more effective supporter … and help your loved one get better medical treatment
  • The most painful mistake your loved one will make during an episode … and how to not let it destroy you
  • The "Quiet Investigation"… and how it will help protect your loved one’s stability (and maybe even their life)
  • How to take notes on your loved one's acting-out behavior (without them knowing it) and why you need to do this
  • The thing you must be crystal clear about when talking to your loved one – and what they must accept for you be effective as a supporter
  • The real difference between “normal” people and people with BPD … and how understanding this difference will simplify your life
  • The surprising best money making jobs for those with BPD?
  • The worst thing you can do when a loved one can't work full time
  • What recovering alcoholics know that will be critical to your ability to function as a supporter
  • The shift you should make in thinking about your loved one’s BPD if you don’t want to become negative and cynical
  • How to organize your finances so you’re guaranteed to have the money you need to pay your bills … while also giving your loved one some freedom and independence
  • The biggest mistakes supporters make … especially if your child is the one with BPD
  • One of the most effective techniques your loved one can do to help prevent episodes
  • The shocking truth about how long it takes to become productive and stable (most people don’t know this fact … and end up tossing in the towel too soon)
  • The toughest decision your loved one may have to make (the more “successful” they are, the harder this can be)
  • What you can do for yourself to protect yourself against your loved one's acting-out behaviors
  • The 2 most common situations supporters face when trying to spot a BPD "event" in the making
  • How therapists may sabotage your efforts to help your loved one … and what to do
  • The surprising thing that is the foundation for your loved one’s treatment plan – once you’ll see this, you’ll understand instantly why I constantly preach about protecting this area of your life
  • The type of hallucinations BPD can cause … and how they differ from the hallucinations caused from schizophrenia, drugs or even too little sleep
  • When you can’t let your loved one be completely independent … and how to tell when it’s OK to loosen your control over them
  • Why some medical professionals will try to blame you for your loved one’s BPD
  • What the signs/symptoms are of the disorder and what to look for in your loved one
  • The worst kinds of therapists. Avoid these therapists at all costs or your loved one will probably get worse.
  • How to prioritize your life so that you don’t burn out and your loved one gets much-needed support … and how this order needs to change periodically
  • What you and the rest of your family must learn to do to effectively support your loved one with BPD
  • The thing that can stop you from getting help when you need it … and how to stay alert to this potential block
  • The shocking statistic about alcoholism and BPD … and what to do if your loved one is abusing drugs or alcohol
  • How your loved one may sabotage their stability … and what you can do to your loved one's acting-out behaviors
  • The truth about medication and borderline personality disorder. Although I am NOT a doctor, I have learned through my mom and the people who work for me the truth that nobody ever will tell you until decades pass
  • How to identify the potential triggers and problems that your loved one deals with as a result of borderline personality disorder (the list is different for every person – this technique will help you identify the issues for your loved one) (page 63)
  • Does your loved one yell and act out a lot? Try this one simple technique to calm them down
  • How to help your loved one learn to stay in the present and not in the past (this can make a dramatic difference in your relationship and in their BPD)
  • The deal you can make with your loved one to dramatically reduce verbal abuse
  • Why doctors believe their word is law … and tactics to use to get them to listen to you
  • The common trap that supporters fall into when their loved one goes into an episode … and how making this mistake can be dangerous for your mental health

But that’s not all …

  • How to get your loved one to go to a doctor’s appointment or therapy session when they don’t want to (hint: it’s not by making threats)
  • One way to help your loved one cope with BPD that has nothing to do with medication or therapy
  • The rule that should guide your day-to-day life – if you aren’t using this, BPD will be in control of your happiness and satisfaction
  • The overlooked – but surprisingly accurate – predictor of how well your loved one will do at coping with BPD
  • Why you must ignore one of the most basic rules of marriage if you want to protect your finances from your loved one’s BPD
  • The 2 best things your loved one can do to help them physically cope with the effects of BPD
  • What your mechanic can teach your loved one about treating BPD
  • How to create a positive, accepting environment for your loved one … and why they might resist your effort for a while
  • The rule of thumb to use in determining whether your loved one is “stable”
  • The most important thing you can do to help your loved one deal with BPD (if you don’t do this, they’ll never to motivated to do the hard work)
  • The #1 rule to follow when preventing and dealing with BPD episodes or events
  • How to give yourself a reality check when you start to feel overwhelmed by your loved one’s BPD
  • Why trying to keep life normal can actually sabotage your responsibilities as a supporter
  • How bad behavior can help you get better medical care for your loved one (the tips we cover are proven to work)
  • The powerful change you can make to help your loved one cope with BPD … and why most people never think of this
  • The courtesy rule that will protect your relationships with your loved one … and nip problems in the bud
  • One of the top triggers for BPD events and acting-out behavior – it’s annoying for the average person … but downright dangerous for someone with BPD
  • The indulgence you may have to cut back on if you want to stay on top of potential problems
  • The right way to react when your loved one starts screaming and yelling (this goes against your natural instinct … but it’s incredibly effective)
  • The lesson that every homeless person you meet can teach you about helping your loved one live with BPD
  • One of the most frustrating things to understand when you’re first dealing with BPD … and the truth you must accept to make your loved one’s diagnosis easier to accept
  • The surprising reason that a support group might be harmful to you as a supporter … and what to look for if you want to participate

I’ve packed this helpful handful with the most pertinent information you need to achieve stability with your loved one's borderline personality disorder. The lessons you’ll learn in this one-of-a-kind resource can make the difference between being able to live a full and rich life … and merely existing.

You'll Also Get $220.00 in FREE Bonus Gifts Guaranteed
For The First 50 People To Respond

When you get my 10 secrets guide, and you’re one of the first 50 people, you’ll be guaranteed to also get these incredible FREE Bonus Gifts, digitally delivered and valued at $220.00.

FREE Bonus Gift #1: Major Borderline Success Story—Michele Soloway (A $75.00 Value)

It’s so important that you saturate your mind with success stories of people with borderline personality disorder. Unfortunately there are not a lot of these success stories. As a result they are hard to find.

In her early forties, Michele was diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder after years of acting-out behavior and manifesting all the symptoms of borderline personality disorder. She had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but these were far different. Abusive relationships (including 5 marriages), alcohol and drug addiction, homelessness, 5 institutionalizations, 5 suicide attempts, self-destructive behavior, and even self-mutilation. And she didn't even know she had borderline personality disorder until she was diagnosed when she was over 40 years old!

Today, Michele is stable, helps others manage their bipolar disorder, helps people get off drugs and alcohol, and teaches people how to get control of their lives. She owns her own home and car, runs a home-based business, takes care of herself and her family, and is financially independent.

Michele once told me that “they” wanted to permanently institutionalize her forever. Now in this incredible interview you can learn the secrets of how she manages her disorder and has been HAPPILY married now for a while and lives a very successful life, once she never thought she'd have at one point in her life.

Michele is an incredible role model and an example of what people can accomplish, even if they have everything going against them. In this case study, she will share the “tips and tricks” she has developed that helped her to overcome the incredible odds against her and become the highly functional, stable woman she is today.

Now you can get this interview digitally delivered.

FREE Bonus #2: The Shocking Truth About DBT and Borderline Personality Disorder (A $50.00 Value)

You may or may not have heard of it. DBT is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy which was developed as a psychological method by Marsha M. Linehan, PhD specifically to treat patients with borderline personality disorder.

If you look online and in some books, people hail DBT as the greatest thing ever for people with borderline personality disorder.

There's no question that DBT can work for patients with borderline personality disorder. BUT, there are several crucial things you must know about DBT BEFORE your loved one goes into it. Failure to learn these things will make full recovery almost impossible.

In this incredible report is revealed one thing about borderline personality disorder that many supporters never learn until many years too late. It's the one difference between being able to have a stable loved one and one that is a failure in DBT and may not get better.

FREE Bonus #3: The Shocking Truth About The Biggest Danger Of Borderline Personality Disorder For A Supporter (A $50.00 Value)

One danger, so simple, so powerful, so descriptive that for the borderline supporter, it can make you go from having even an okay life to one that turns into an absolute nightmare. It can involve the legal system, paying lots of money, embarrassment and total destruction to your reputation in a way that would take decades to recover from.

I don't want to sound dramatic but I am dead serious. You must get this special bonus report and read through it from A to Z. I'll teach you what to watch out for and how to avoid it.

It happened to my dad and luckily, he was able to get around the problem.

FREE Bonus #4: The Other Disorders Your Loved One May Have That You Don't Know About (A $50.00 Value)

In this report, I go through other disorders your loved one may have. Unfortunately many people with borderline personality disorder actually have other disorders as well. The problem is, if the treatment plan doesn't address ALL the disorders at the same time, getting your loved one stable, happy and productive is impossible.

Normally it takes more than 10 years to figure this all out. In this report, I will reveal the other disorders, how to fast track a person getting diagnoses with other disorders assuming that you aren't a doctor yourself.

Hate reading on your computer screen? Don’t worry about it. Why? Well, I have setup everything so that it’s optimized to be read or printed for your PC or MAC. So if you want, you can print it out, bind it, and go over it without causing yourself eye-strain.

What’s It Worth To Have Your Loved One Become Successful With Borderline Personality Disorder?

It took me close to two years of research to unearth all of the secrets and strategies you get in 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD.

And it took an extra 12 months after that to figure out which of the strategies I learned during my massive research would be the most important ones to use when first starting your recovery from bipolar disorder.

When I factor in the amount of time I took off from running my business … the number of books I had to buy … the number of doctors and other borderline experts I had to pay to interview, well, the cost to compile this information is astronomical. I’d conservatively estimate that I’ve spent at least $150,000 on research since 2003. It sounds crazy but it's true.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not telling you this because I want you to feel sorry for me. I know that I am really fortunate that I was able to invest this kind of time and money into helping my mom. You really can’t put a price on the value of helping someone you love get their life back to “normal.”

But you already know that, don’t you? Wouldn’t you invest whatever it takes … and spend as much time as you have to if it means finally breaking the chokehold that bipolar disorder has on your life?

Of course you would.

But I also know that you might have a limited amount of money to invest in resources right now. You’re probably overwhelmed by the doctors’ bills, medication costs, and unpaid time you’ve had to take from work to attend all of your loved one's appointments. Heck, you may have even lost your job because of your loved one's borderline personality disorder.

How Much Is Borderline Personality Disorder
Costing You In Time AND Money?

Here are some important questions you need to ask yourself honestly:

  • How much is BPD really costing you in time and money?
  • How much have you had to spend on therapy?
  • How much has it impacted your relationship?
  • How much of an impact has it had on your personal time?
  • How many days of work have you had to miss?
  • How much of your vacation/sick days have you had to use?
  • How much of your time have you invested into fights you can never win?
  • How is your loved one's BPD affecting your other relationships?
  • How has it affected your own self-esteem?
  • How much time have you really had for yourself?

Prepublication Special Sale!

I am not finished with the guide yet. I have some more work to do like formatting it, getting it to the printer and ready to be shipped out. I am offering a prepublication special offer.

It's a "no brainer." You have absolutely nothing to lose and don't even really don't have to make a decision.

Here's what I am willing to do.

You Can Get My "10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD" Sent To You FREE

I'm so sure that you will love this guide, I'm willing to do something that everyone who works with me thinks is "crazy."

I'd like to send you a copy of this guide to review for FREE. That's right, NO MONEY.

Here's what I'm going to do for you:

I'm going to send you ONE copy of this guide at MY RISK when it's all ready to be shipped.

If you like it, keep it. You'll be billed automatically for the full price of $49.95...which is 38% off the price I will be offering it in the future.

After your FREE review trial period, you can get your personal copy of 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD for 14 cents a day. That’s right – you get the keys to freedom, a stress free-life and helping your loved one with borderline personality disorder for the equivalent of the spare change you’d find in your couch cushions.

When you consider that every doctor or therapy appointment you go to costs at least $150 an hour … you can see how much of a bargain this guide is. That’s why it makes sense to reserve your copy now.

Best of all, your investment is protected by my total-satisfaction, 100%-risk-free guarantee …

If you don't like it for any reason whatsoever, just send it back within 30 days, and you won't be charged (Don't worry, if the mail takes too long, and I get it back 31 or 35 days later and you've been charged, I'll give you a full refund). I am not trying to give you a hard time.

All I ask is you cover the shipping and handling for me to send the guide to you.

Can it get any better?

Of course it can...

After The Risk FREE Trial,
Your Investment Is Backed by an Iron-Clad,
100%, 120-Day, Total-Satisfaction-or-
DOUBLE-Your-Money-Back Guarantee

If you decide to keep the guide, take the next 120 days to go through every bit of information I’ve included in 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD. Take notes, and test some of the strategies and techniques for yourself.

If you don’t agree that 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD gives you the blueprint you need to get started on the road to reliable, steady recovery, I demand that you ask for your money back.

Better Than Risk FREE Guarantee

Even if you do ask for a refund, you’ll be able to keep and have $220 in FREE Bonus Gifts that you got. That will be my way of saying “thank you” for giving my material a try. So there is no way that you can come out losing on this. You have nothing to lose and a whole lot to gain.

Why am I doing this? Well I want to help people who are supporting people with borderline personality disorder. I really feel that “the system” has worked against them for so many years and I want to do something about it.

So far people love what I have put out. I am really excited about it and feel I am making a big impact.

I have more than 5,000 testimonials on file from people I’ve helped over the past few years.


I really want to entice as many people to get this guide as fast as possible and that’s why I am making this incredible offer. In addition to being able to get it for a FREE Trial, and keeping the FREE Bonuses if you are unhappy and return it, I am offering an unheard of DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK GUARANTEE.

If you find another resource, guide, book, etc., that delivers more information and more value, I will mail you a check for $49.95 just let me know what it is and how it does.

Here’s What People Are Saying About
My Information On Borderline Personality Disorder And Me

Over the last couple of years as I have been doing research, I have been sharing SOME of my information on borderline personality disorder. I actually have been amazed with the response of people to it all.

Here’s just a SMALL sampling of what people are saying about SOME and I stress, only SOME of the information I have shared with them. The new guide will have 1,000 times more information.

"Someone Out There Cares"

“…what IS encouraging is that someone out there cares and is bringing attention and awareness to borderline disorder. That IS what is encouraging to me and comforting to know and see e-mails from you. It's encouraging that someone is working hard for those afflicted with this disorder and their loved ones.

There are many out there like myself are need help and encouragement. I'ven been diagnosed dual borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder. And it's still difficult but when I see websites devoted to information and help and encouragement such as yours, I'm uplifted and filled with hope…I do recommend this site and Mr. Oliver's information to others. If your looking for real help then this is for you. If you're looking for sad stories or pity, then go somewhere else.”



"I Would Recommend Your Information on BPD to Others"

“I have been reading the books that you sent me and found it vry helpful to me in dealing with my son who has been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder… I still read everything you write as I feel that I can use all the help that anyone can give me… I would recommend your information on BPD to others.”

--Mary O'Brien


"Keep Up the Good Work"

“I have found your information very interesting. it is appreciated that someone like yourself has poured so much about his experiences in this area. Keep up the good work.”



I Was Empowered by the Information You Gave"

”You maerial on Borderline Personality Disorder has helped me to understand just what this illness is and the characteristics of such a person. I was empowered by the information you gave because I recently married such a person and was devasted at his behavior until i go this information…I encourage you to continue to send your e-mails. There is the world out there and thousand + who needs your information. I would and have discussed your material with others I know.”

--Sandra G, Canada


"Your Material on Borderline Personality Disorder Has Helped Me to Understand My Condition A Lot Better"

“Your material on Borderline Personality Disorder has helped me to understand my condition alot better and now I know ways to better my life as well as those around me. Keep up the good work. I would recommend your info. because it has and is helping me tremendously and I would like it to help others as well.”

-- Shannon Cochran


"I Have Learned So Much About BPD With Your Material"

“About 10 years ago I was told I had Borderline Personality Disorder, no one ever took the time to explain to me what B.P.D was. I have learned so much about B.P.D with your material...Your material covers what B.P.D. is and you tell people who have loved ones to get them help…If you could post any info for people like me who have B.P.D but don't know where to turn for help. Thank you. I would recommend David Oliver's Borderline Personalitly Disorder info to anyone who would like to know more about B.P.D.”

--Mary Raynor


"Your Material Really Helped Me to Understand the Illness"

“I was recently involved in a relationship with someone I suspected may have Borderline Personality. Your material really helped me to understand the illness and how I could best relate to my friend. I would highly recommend the material you've provided and appreciate that you've taken the time and trouble to research it and make it available. It's helped me enormously and made it possible for me to make the right decisions for me whilst having some understanding of what my friend may be going through.”

--Catherine Morrissey, South Wales, Great Britain


"The Information is Real and Believable"

“it has helped me in realizing that i am not the only one that has suffered with this problem… and its comforting to know that someone else understands this problem. The information is 'real'and believable because it has been based on a real life situation. the info is easier enough to read and easy to understand. it can be very helpful in understanding more about borderline personality disorder.”

--Bridget, South Africa


"I Have Recommended Your Site to Many Others as a Source of Understanding"

”I have recommended your site to many others as a source of understanding and validation for the spiderweb of confusion, frustration, uncertainty, fear, distrust, negativity and rage, intertwined with brief glimpses of love, hope, spiritualism, and clarity that is the very nature of caring for someone experiencing Borderline Personality Disorder”

--Ron C., Australia


"Your Information Gives Honest Answers to People"

”As a person with Borderline Personality Disorder, it has helped me explain things to people better. I have been able to have calmer conversations with my husband and kids. Your information gives honest answers to people who might not understand what a person with this disorder is going through. It gives solutions on how to act towards that person without making anyone into the "bad guy."



"Helps Me to Realize That I Am Not Alone"

“The information on Borderline Personality Disorder has been very helpful to me. My husband was diagnosed over a year ago…hearing from others helps me to realize that I am not alone…Having a resource such as yours helps my coping skills and lets me know there are places to go for help in this area. I would highly recommend your information to is good to have an outlet to vent and to gather information.”

--Judith L.


"Your Articles Have Helped Me to Understand the
Disorder So Much More"

"I appreciate the material on BPD as I believe my sister has it…Your articles have helped me to understand the disorder so much more and I have passed some of them on to other family members to better help them cope with her behaviors...Your information has helped a lot and I thank you for sending it…The article on living with a BPD was helpful… Thank you again for the information you have sent. I would highly recommend David Oliver's Borderline Personality Disorder information as it has greatly helped my family understand my sister's mental/emotional problem.”



"For the First Time in My Life I Was Able to Understand What Was Wrong With Me"

“for the first time in my life i was able to understand what was wrong with me…now thanks to you i can discuss it with the doctor on my visits. you discribe the disorder very well and when my partner went through what you wrote he said it described Me very well and helped him to understand what i have been going through for years. i would recommend your information on Borderline Personality Disorder I think all health care workers should do your course to help them understand the affects on its suffers and their familys”

--Maria J, Dublin, Ireland


"Your Information is Clear and Concise"

“Your site has helped me very much with its info. My beautiful daughter has borderline personality disorder and i am determined to help her. Thank you please don't stop… Being BPD is very tough and there are many bad days. Keep up the good work. Your information is clear and consise you get to the point - i would recommend it to anyone if it would help educate the world on BPD.”

-- Helen L, TRINIDAD


"Your Information Has Helped Me to Understand"

“Thank you so much for all the work you do to help people like myself. I have Borderline Personality Disorder. Your information has helped me to understand what it is and some ways of coping with it. I am going to share this information with my husband and my mother so they can understand what I have and some coping skills. I'm also going to recommend this course to my case manager at the mental health clinic I go to.”



"David Oliver's Work Proves Invaluable"

“I myself have BPD. As you know, it is quite mis-understood. This is most evident with my family. Everytime i get one of your emails. I print it out and give it to my family. The ones who read it show a great deal more understanding. My relationship with them has greatly improved due to your work. So to sum it up, your work has helped my relationship with my family, thus making it invaluable to me.

David Oliver's work proves invaluable for those living with someone diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.”



"This Material is Very Educational and…
Honestly Real"

“This material is very enlightening. I have a good friend who fits this pattern and your information educated me on this disorder… This information is very educational and I find it honestly real..David seems to know this subject and it is heartfelt, too, which is rare in this field... David, you are helping people, and I appreciate your endeavors.”


What Do You Want Your Life and Your Loved One's Life
to Be Like 30 Days From Now?

When I stop and look back at the journey my family has been forced to take because of my mom’s bipolar and borderline disorder, it’s very easy to see exactly when we got off the roller coaster and started driving on the road to success.

The day our fortune turned was the day that I met someone who told me that you can be successful with bipolar, borderline disorder and, in my opinion, any mental illness many people have and ignore all the nay-sayers and negative people.

From that point we took a proactive approach to learning as much as I could about borderline personality disorder.

The simple fact is … the more you know about borderline personality disorder, the more likely it is that your loved one can get better, and quicker.

If you don’t really care about achieving any regular stability – if you’re OK with being at the mercy and whims of this fickle disorder – then stop reading right now.

But if getting your life back to some semblance of normalcy is important to you, you owe it to yourself, your loved one, and your family to invest in a copy of 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD. You’ll discover the 10 most important strategies you need to begin using today to claim your life back.


This manual is NOT and I repeat NOT for individuals with borderline personality disorder. It's for those who are SUPPORTERS of people with the disorder.

Why? Well because it is designed to be read and used from the people who are trying to help and support someone with borderline personality disorder, not for the person suffering from it.

Why Am I Doing This?

I want to help people! I want to save lives. I want people to avoid the destruction that so many families face. Without getting the right information, very quickly, your loved one stands a good chance to be dead.

I am not being dramatic but it's true. This is a serious disorder.

Don’t Wait!
This Is A Limited Time Offer

Don’t wait, get started with your Risk FREE Trial today! This offer is limited and I am only guaranteeing this offer for the first 50 people. After that, I’ll be raising the price to the normal selling price of up to $79.00 and taking away certain bonuses and getting rid of the Risk FREE trial. Everything that I am offering puts a lot of financial risk on my shoulders. I hope you can understand. Claim your risk FREE Trial copy of 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD!

To your success,

do sig

David Oliver
Author, 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD

P.S. Remember, your investment in 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD is risk-free. If you decide that you’d rather figure out your own system for helping and supporting a loved one with Borderline Personality Disorder, just send the course back within 120 days for total refund of your money (less S/H).

P.P.S. Hurry! If you are one of the first 50 people to get your copy of the 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD , you’ll instantly qualify to get $220 in FREE gifts. These are yours to keep … even if you decide that you don’t want to keep the 10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD.

P.P.P.S Read more of what others have to say:

"Your Material Has Helped Me in Many Ways "

“Your material has helped me, in many ways…I have been in and out of institutions all my life. Learning from you, has helped me in many ways. Now, I work in the medical field. I am able to help those that, were in the same position, I was in…Thanks from the bottom of my heart.”



"You Are Tops on My List of Resources"

“I am a University professor who teaches a class on Emotional Behavioral Disorders and I have found your material to have been a valuable resource for my classes and clients. It has enhanced my classes and covers indepth many areas that I can not deal with in the class because of privacy data requirements. You are tops on my list of resources. I have frequently referred my students and clients to your website.”

--Sam T., ALFINC, MN


"Wish I Knew This Information 17 Years Ago"

“Wish I knew this information 17 years ago. Still it has helped me to come to grips with what I have lived through and what the future looks like. I have a choice today."

--Barbara M., PA


"People Need This Course…"

"[People] need this course because it gives you a solid base. It helps you anchor and define and hold onto the fact that this is not your fault. It cannot predict when or where it will come from. It helps you keep your sanity.”

--Kathy L., Ohio


"I Highly Recommend This Information!"

“Dear David... I am an Addictions Therapist, and quite often, our clinic has to deal with patients with BPDF...Your newsletter has; thus far, been a tremendous help in identifying certain characteristics, and dealing with those charastictics...Thank You! I highly recommend this information!”

--Rob C. / M.S./ASAC

Click Here To Get Your Risk FREE Trial of
10 Secrets to Supporting and Helping A Loved One With BPD today